Thursday 11 May 2023

Screened out

 Argh - my hand aches.  I've been doing that thing I used to do a lot of when I was younger - you know, when you hold a plastic tube with ink in it and move it around to form alphabet letters in different combinations across a piece of paper: some actual, physical, manual, how-we-used-to-do-it-in-the-olden-dayes writing.

I started, but haven't yet finished, hand-writing a new blog post but before I go back to that one I wanted to precede it with an explanation (also hand-written and to be transposed to what you see here).  I haven't posted on here for ages and feel I've been regretfully neglectful towards my lovely fellow bloggers too - I'm so sorry! Thing is, I've developed a bit of a problem with spending much time in front of my computer screen; I'm sure this must be due to the round-the-clock tinnitus and unfortunately it's just my brain's way of coping for now.  Reading and writing at any length on screen has become extra tiring and I'm finding it hard to concentrate comfortably, and then that effect has placed a kind of psychological barrier in the way too - sort of associating computer time with having that feeling and thus just wanting to be far away from it...  

Hopefully this will pass as it's still early days but in the meantime I decided to embrace the analogue instead.  And how good it is!  I always knew I was an analogue girl but when I'm immersed in all the things I already enjoy - like drawing, walking, reading a (physical) book and putting my hands in the worm bin (that's a bit niche, I know) I barely notice the noise either.  In fact, drawing is amazingly therapeutic and I'm sure there are some credible scientific reasons behind this to do with the parts of the brain that it engages and exercies - a subject I'd love to read up on more, apart from the fact that I'd probably have to do most of that online.

Anyway, after scribbling these words on paper and just typing up quickly here my brain feels so much less cluttered and fatigued in the process.  I think I'll try this method for a while to see where it goes - hopefully it will help me to revive this blog a little but, if all else fails - well, can I post you a letter?!


  1. "Regretfully neglectful" sounds like a great lost album title.

    Glad you are here, C. Post whenever and however you like :)

    1. Haha, yes, regretfully neglectful does have a definitely maybe vibe about it!
      Thanks for your kind words Martin and right back at you too.

  2. Rather than put yourself through the stress and discomfort of typing up your handwritten blog posts, why not simply scan/photograph the original analogue documents and post those here directly for the time being? That would cut your screen time to virtually nothing. It'd be like a blog-fanzine!

    1. What little thunder I carry about my person these days has been stolen by TS: I was about to proffer the same workaround - keeping it real and all that.

      So sorry to hear you're struggling - sounds like you have a number of coping mechanisms tho'. You can tell me all about it over a flagon of frothing ale in York.

    2. Ooh, there's an idea, TS and John, thanks! I did used to painstakingly hand-write (and illustrate) my fanzine all those years ago and it was a joy to do. Hmm, watch this space...

      And thanks John, I'm doing really well on the whole but have just noticed these kind of activities are more affected. Thankfully I don't think that talking over a flagon of frothing ale will be one of them!

  3. I'm sorry to hear about your ongoing health issues, C, but I think switching to hand-written posts is an excellent solution. There's definitely something therapeutic about scribbling down your thoughts... as opposed to typing them up. Have you noticed the difference? We write down, but type up. Up is always harder than down.

    I'm with The Swede & JM - blog fanzine away! I'm sure you have excellent handwriting, being an arty type. Nobody would be able to read mine, so I'm stuck with the one-fingered tip-tapping...

    1. Thanks Rol, I'm definitely getting more habituated but have noticed significant differences depending on what I'm doing - all part of the ongoing process I guess. But yes, I'm rather charmed by the idea of posting hand-written pages too - might have to build up those hand muscles to start with, though....I've been out of practice until now.

  4. Someone needs to have a word with those bells and tell them its time to bugger off.

    I know what you mean about being out of practice with writing. These days I only tend to write for work when I'm editing documents for other people, which I still find easier than doing on a screen. The problem is even I can only make out about half of my comments.

    1. Thanks Ernie, I keep telling them but do they listen?!
      Argh, we must all be losing our handwriting knack - I know what you mean. Hurriedly scrawled shopping lists can end up being quite baffling...

  5. Sorry to hear about the side effects of tinnitus. Though I love your digital scratchings it may be best to take a break.Look after yourself.

    1. Ah, thanks for your kind words Ben. I'm doing fine, I really am, just interesting how certain things are a little more taxing for longer periods than they used to be! It's put me off spending too long in front of a screen and reinforced my love of more manual tasks but visiting other blogs and popping up here now and then is still something I love. Just wanted to explain why I've been less present lately :-)

  6. Thought I'd commented previously but it is good to see you back
    Some excellent suggestions above

    1. Thanks CC. Fanzine format post due out soon!


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