Wednesday, 1 July 2020

An invitation...

I'm so sorry!  I have (once again) misplaced my blogging groove.  I just don't seem to be able to get in the right mood.  I've an awful lot of work on, so my mind is elsewhere most of the time, but I've had that before and it hasn't stopped me.  Maybe it's just the situation we're all in as, although I know just how incredibly fortunate I am in so many ways, I can't rid myself of a constant low-level sense of anxiety just about the world as a whole... more now than ever.   I can put it to the back most of the time and still derive pleasure from other things, but perhaps it's at the root of why I seem to become full of self-doubt as soon as I try to write more here.

Anyway - a thought!  A few of my lovely fellow bloggers with music-themed blogs have been opening up their doors to guest posts - it's great, and works well for everyone.  But of course I don't want to tread on anyone else's toes so I wondered if I could offer a different platform here if there's anyone out there who wants it...

Therefore, if you fancy contributing a guest post here some time, on any topic that might fit into this place comfortably (no restrictions other than that of libel and extremism, you know what I'm saying) then please write in.  Perhaps you - or your secret alter-ego! - have an urge to wax lyrical about pylons, Lloyd Loom chairs or the joy of shelling peas, for instance.  Not that I'm suggesting those at all, but.... who knows?! I have a fondness for the random and the eclectic, the funny, playful and intriguing - and would really appreciate some original input.

You can get in touch via the contact details top right if you're feeling more inspired than I am and could help inject some life back into these pages.  It may also get me back into the groove...

Publication at my discretion but anonymity will be fully respected if desired!

Pretty peas


  1. I'll trade you one for one!

    Your opening paragraph eloquently expressed how we're all feeling at the moment, C.

    1. Thanks Rol - and haven't wanted to tread on your toes so hoping there may be some different people reading each of our blogs with potential to respond in alternative ways. Who knows. But don't want any of our places to die of neglect...!

  2. I could have something- need to find the time to write it.

    1. Thank SA, as with Rol you'd be more than welcome if ever you get the time.

  3. Hi C, so glad you have lots of work on but understand that life is anything but normal at the moment, so difficult to totally relax and enjoy our hobbies without that nagging feeling that all is most definitely not well.

    I love your love of the random and eclectic, and once I get myself organised I have an idea that might fit quite well around here. Will have to revisit to make sure but cross fingers it might work.

    1. Thanks Alyson, yes I'm so lucky to have work, a bit too much to be honest but doesn't look as if Mr SDS will be going back now and what with everything else this year I had to shelve my plans to take a little time out to develop my 'new identity' work. I'd made a start, so that's something, but for now it's back to the tried and tested and the deadlines... Grateful really though, but must't let myself get too stressed by it if possible.

      You're more than welcome any time on these pages if you do get the chance/time - thanks.

  4. I don't have anything new to submit (sorry) but you'd be very welcome to recycle an old post from NA, from way back when, when nobody read it... :)

    1. Oh thanks Martin, that's very kind - and would be great. If there's anything you have in mind just let me know, or if you'd be happy for me to have a look through your back pages and pick something I could do that?

    2. Very happy for you to trawl through my back pages (although this might save you some hunting), as long as I can give the okay on whatever you choose? How does that sound?

    3. Many thanks and oh god yes, I wouldn't do anything without your say-so!

      Hope to line up some guest posts over coming weeks.


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