The harvest means noise and tractors trundling past and fragments of cereal dust blowing in through our open windows but I
like it. I don't know if it's a brand new one, but the local
farmer's got his combine harvester out this weekend and I'm quite
comforted by its constant drone as he works methodically in the
fields behind my house.
It was droning away in the background this morning while I was
in the garden and something caught my eye: a small leggy creature
trying unsuccessfully to get itself out of the bird bath. I scooped
it up on a leaf and gently placed it on the rocky edge whereupon it
scuttled around in a drunkenly haphazard fashion before ending up back in the water to flounder once more. I rescued
it again and placed it further away this time; a closer look revealed
it to be a Harvestman. Maybe it was a Harvestman with suicidal

I came indoors to cool down and switched on my computer; I've
been meaning to look at some more images by the Russian artist
Kazimir Malevich as mentioned in a recent post. On Tuesday I'd been
discussing him with a lovely friend to whom I was talking about my
trip to Tate Modern and (being the creator of some brilliant and
notable record sleeve art himself) he told me about how Malevich's
work had been an influence on Barney Bubbles. Those of
us of certain musical tastes and vintage will be very familiar with
Barney Bubbles' output; I think he designed over 90 record sleeves.
Lots has been written and spoken about him so I won't go on here. However, I must admit that until that conversation I didn't actually know much about his background myself and I hadn't appreciated his artistic influences. Now, on bringing to mind the
record cover art I know best (mostly those Stiff label
releases), I can more easily identify Malevich as a source of
The Damned: Music For Pleasure
Malevich, suprematist composition
Ian Dury & the Blockheads: Hit Me With Your Rhythm Stick
Malevich, dynamic suprematism
So anyway I was looking at more Malevich art and smiled to myself when I saw this:
'Taking In The Harvest'...
...which seemed simply appropriate for today. And then I thought I'd have a rummage through some of the less familiar Barney Bubbles record sleeve designs and up came the
Edgar Broughton Band's 'Oora' - which so happens to be on the Harvest label...
Must just be that time of year!
(Combine harvester picture attribution: Hinrich)